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MNVHDF Mission Statement

The Minnesota Versatile Hunting Dog Federation promotes ethical hunting practices and conservation of game animals by enhancing the quality and ability of versatile hunting dogs through breeder and handler education, performance based testing, and by facilitating continuing education and information exchange regarding health and genetics.

MNVHDF strives to accomplish these goals by:

  • Conducting field tests designed to evaluate versatile hunting qualities of breeds registered by any recognized registry or studbook.
  • Encouraging the involvement of youths to the sport of hunting.  Dogs add a special dimension to hunting that may attract young hunters inspiring them to advanced education and personal growth.
  • Promoting public education, appreciation and understanding of the necessity of a useful versatile hunting dog and ethical sportsmanship.
  • Fostering knowledge and experience of judges, hunters, breeders, breed clubs, and individual owners of versatile hunting dogs in the breeding, training, and testing of versatile hunting dogs.

MNVHDF exists to serve breed clubs, breeders, individual owners, and the dogs themselves by providing a fair, comprehensive testing system. Therefore, breed standards, registration, registry, and other such matters are the sole responsibility of individuals or breed clubs and not the responsibility of MNVHDF.